The 3 cameras offer different viewpoints of Bakio, which are refreshed every hour…

SNAP: These are snapshots or traditional photographs that give timely information about the characteristics of the study area but do not permit obtaining quantitative information.

Bakio Snap 1Cámara 01 BAKIO Snap

Bakio Snap 2Cámara 02 BAKIO Snap

TIMEX: These are the result of integrating 600 snapshots taken at 1-second intervals during 10-minute periods. These images afford quantitative information; as, for instance, the location of the coastline, sand bars, the intensity and direction of currents, etc.

Bakio Timex 1Cámara 01 BAKIO Timex

Bakio Timex 2Cámara 02 BAKIO Timex

RECTIFIED TIMEX: This image is achieved by converting the information obtained from the oblique images into a flat, metric image, using photogrammetry techniques. The video images from the different cameras are rectified and merged.

Imágenes rectificadas BAKIOImágenes rectificadas BAKIO
